Sandton Sector Information
Not sure under which policing Sector in Sandton your area falls? Here’s a quick overview:
Sector 1: Edenburg; Gallo Manor; Khyber Rock; Morningside Manor
Ext. 2; Rivonia; Sunninghill; Woodlands; Woodmead.
Sector 2: Brecknock Agricultural Holdings; Bryanston; Klevehill Park; Lonehill; Paulshof; Petervale; Rietfontein; River Club.
Sector 3: Benmore Gardens; Dalecross; Dennehof; Duxberry; Hurlpark;
Little Filian; Moodie Hill; Morningside; Morningside Manor;
Morningside Ext. 40; New Brighton; Parkmore; Sandown; Sandhurst; Strathavon; Sunset Acres.
Sector 4: Buccleuch; Eastgate; Kelvin View; Kramerville; Marlboro North, Wendywood; Wesco Park.
What is Sector Policing?
Sector Policing is a system of policing that provides a localised policing service to communities.
It focuses on smaller, manageable sectors of a police station area. The aim is to improve response times, enable targeted and visible police patrols, address specific crimes and investigate reported cases in each sector.
Crime trends for each sector are reported back to the community at the monthly community meetings. The community meetings allow for communication of important information and for issues to be raised by residents
Sector Policing focuses on integration between the police and the community and enables SAPS, JMPD, the CPF and the community to work in partnership together.
The more residents get involved, the stronger the partnership will be.
What is a Sector Commander?
A Sector Commander is a SAPS official who is in charge of his or her sector. Their role is to mobilise and organise the community in the sector to take action against local crime, together with the police. They also act as a liaison between the community and the local police station. Plus, they are responsible for all plans and projects to address crime in the sector.
What is the role of the community?
- Attend the monthly Sandton CPF meetings to discuss action plans with the SAPS Sector Commander and JMPD in order to deal with crime in your area.
- Participate in neighborhood initiatives to safeguard the area in which you live, work and play.
- Support the SAPS in the enforcement of the law by being the eyes and ears in your community and reporting suspicious activities.
- Take responsibility for your personal and home security to reduce your risk.
Community Safety Structures Affiliation
The Community Police Forum is regulated by Section 18 of the South African Police Act, 1995 (Act No 68 of 1995) Interim Regulations for Community Police Forums and Boards (Section 3 regulates the establishment of a Community Police Sub-Forum).
Community Police Forum objectives according to Section 18 of SAPS Act, 1995 (Act No 68 of 1995):
- Establishing and maintaining a partnership between the community and the South African Police Service
- Promoting communication between the South African Police Service and the community
- Promoting co-operation between the South African Police Service and the community in fulfilling the needs of the community regarding policing
- Improving the rendering of police services to the community at national, provincial, area and local levels
- Improving transparency in the South African Police Service and accountability of the Service to the community
- Promoting joint problem identification and problem-solving by the South African Police Service and the community
How to set up a Patrol Group
- Hand in a written application to the Community Police Sub-Forum in a sector and provide the following:
- Constitution and code of conduct
- Name of the watch structure
- Descriptive map of the sector, area block, estate, complex in which it operates
- Names, addresses and contact numbers of the members of the watch structure
- Names, addresses and contact numbers of the executive committee members
Difference between Reservists and Patrol Groups
1. Reservists
- Appointed under the South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act No 68 of 1995) , Section 48
- Has the same powers as a police member (e.g. Arrests, investigate)
- Receive training in: firearms, legal aspects, basic police functions and procedures, etc.
2. Patrol Groups
- Affiliated to the sector Community Police Sub-Forum
- Limited powers e.g. Citizens arrest
- Limited training (e.g. Basic knowledge of the laws, crime scene. management, first aid, etc.)
Operational functions of the Community Safety Structures
- Eyes and ears of the SAPS
- If the need arises, carry out a citizen's arrest in terms of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No 68 of 1977), section 42
- Performing patrol duties that will serve as a crime deterrent
- Preserving crime scenes when first on the scene
- Facilitating good relations in the neighbourhood
- Rendering a voluntary service
- Reporting crime and crime in progress to the SAPS
- Creating crime prevention awareness amongst the community
Limitations on the powers of the Community Safety Structures
- No promoting of political agendas/ interests
- No promoting, marketing or selling of security equipment/ services
- Cannot request or enforce registration/ membership fees
- Cannot act as a police official
- Cannot participate in crime prevention operations with the SAPS (e.g. "Stop and search", roadblocks, etc)
- Cannot wear or use the SAPS insignia in any way on a person or private vehicle
- May not use any rotating/reflecting light of any colour on a private vehicle for the purpose of visibility during patrols
- A community police forum, sub-forum or board has no power of command and control over the Service or any member thereof:
No member of such a forum or board may:
- Wear any insignia or identification mark in respect of any political party, organization, movement or body while attending a meeting of a CPF, sub-forum or board
- Utilize his or her membership of a CPF, sub-forum or board for political interests
- Have access to police registers or files without approval
- Only use property belonging to or under the control of the Service with the prior written approval
- The Service is not obliged to provide office accommodation
- No equipment or SAPS store items may be issued to a member of a Community Police Forum, Sub- Forum or Board
- No such member may be allowed to utilize a police vehicle
- May not establish itself as a section 21 company